NJ Family Care Resources
Supplemental Community Competency Training (SCCT) required for NJFamilyCare enrollment is no longer housed on the NJDLC website. Updates for availability may be found at https://www.nj.gov/health/doulas/
NJFamilyCare Fee-For-Service Provider enrollment forms can be found on njmmis.com or by calling (800) 776-6334
A National Provider Identification number, required for NJFamilyCare enrollment as a doula service provider, may be obtained through https://nppes.cms.hhs.gov/#/
Doula malpractice insurance required for NJFamilyCare enrollment can be purchased through www.cmfgroup.com
HIPAA Training
NJ Doula HIPAA Pre-test and Video page: https://www.snjpc.org/doulaentrypage
NJ Doula HIPAA Training Pre-Test - https://www.snjpc.org/hipaa-training-for-doulas-pretest
NJ Doula HIPAA Training Video - https://www.snjpc.org/doulavideo
NJ Doula HIPAA Training Post-Test - https://www.snjpc.org/doulaposttest
If you have any problems with the video, contact NJDoulaHIPAA@fhiworks.org
In-person application support: Quarterly workshops and weekly office hours are hosted by Community Doulas of South Jersey. Email info@cdosj.org to learn more, or visit www.communitydoulasofsouthjersey.com to schedule
Questions regarding NJFamilyCare doula provider enrollment support may be addressed to the Doula Guides at doula.fhs@doh.nj.gov